Thursday, June 11, 2009

Tefillin - Story

In 1939, Hershel was sent to slave in the labor camp of the Germans. Right from the beginning, Hershel made up his mind that come what may, he would never part with his Tefillin, which he managed to smuggle into the camp. He was determined to put them on whenever he had a chance to and while someone kept watch, the Tefillin hurriedly passed from hand to hand to his fellow Jewish inmates. The Tefillin gave him the strongest encouragement to hold on to his faith. He felt that as long as he had his Tefillin, he would outlive his tormentors.

He would never forget -- he related later -- an incident, which convinced him again of the special protection G-d had shown him in the merit of his Tefillin.

This happened when he was taking a group of children by train to Bucharest. Hershel was standing on the open platform of the train, clutching his small valise in which he kept his Tefillin. Suddenly the train made a sharp turn, he lost his balance, and his valise flew out!

Hershel was horrified! All through the war years he had guarded his Tefillin at the risk of his life, and now, suddenly he had lost them!

As the train halted at a red signal light, Hershel jumped off and ran back. He spotted his little valise in the distance, picked it up and hugged it with delight.

Hershel was about to board the next train to Bucharest, when a friend of his who had just come from Bucharest informed him that secret Russian agents were waiting for him in Bucharest and don't he dare go there.

"Oh Thank G-d my valise fell out of the train" exclaimed Hershel. " Otherwise I would have now been in their torturous hands. Once again the Tefillin saved my life!"

His friend remained thoughtful for a few moments, then said, "Hershel, I haven't yet put on Tefillin today. Would you allow me to use yours? And after hearing your story you can be sure, I will never again miss putting on Tefillin," he concluded, his voice choking with emotion.

Hershel relates the many instances when his Tefillin clearly saved his life. "Let Jews know," he says, "how to cherish the Mitzvah of putting on Tefillin daily. After all, it can be done so easily, without any sacrifice whatsoever."

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