Thursday, December 24, 2009

PARSHA - Vayigash. Yosef Hatzadik

This week's parshah, Parshat Vayigash, relates how Joseph revealed his true identity to his brothers and was reunited with them.

In last week's parshah, when the brothers had first come to Egypt, "Joseph recognized his brothers but they did not recognize him." The reason for that is that many years had elapsed since they had last seen him. They had left him an unbearded young man, and now he was a fully-bearded adult.

Chassidism, however, offers a different interpretation of the verse. The sons of Jacob had all chosen to be shepherds – a quiet and peaceful occupation. Out in the fields, tending their flocks, they had little contact with the social life of the country and were undisturbed in their service of G-d, in their worship and study. They shied away from an environment that would place temptations in their chosen path

Joseph, however, was in this respect superior to them. He was able to occupy the highest administrative position in the mightiest nation of that era, and yet remain righteous.The brothers did not recognize and could not comprehend that the viceroy of Egypt could truly remain the same G-d-fearing Joseph whom they had known, for such a way of life was above their level.

Many of us live with the mistaken assumption that only those living shepherd like lives---away from worldly temptation---can achieve great heights in spirituality. But this is not the reality that G-d created nor desired. G-d specifically placed us in this material and coarse world because He wants us to elevate and refine our surroundings. And, like Joseph, we can stay connected to our Source while rising to become princes in our palaces.

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