We all have, in microcosm, the struggle between soul and body. Between G-d and the universe.
Next time, before you judge another person think of the ripple effect it has on the world. True, you may not be a terrorist or be committing another atrocity. Yet, even speaking badly about others is called a subtle form of “murder.”
The Baal Shem Tov tells us that we are like mirrors. Every event that we experience is actually a reflection of our own lives. It comes to teach us a lesson that we need to learn and repair.
Our individual effort changes the world. When we change the microcosm the macrocosm is directly affected.
Maimonides writes: A person must see himself and the world as equally balanced on two ends of the scale; by doing one good deed, he tips the scale and brings for himself and the entire world redemption and salvation (Laws of Repentance, 3:4).
If each of us would improve our own balance, we would change the landscape of the universe.