Monday, September 7, 2009


Today is the18th day of the Hebrew month of Elul.

18, is Chai. Chai Elul was the date of birth of the Baal Shem Tov -- founder of Chasidut in general, and also of Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, founder of Chabad Chasidut.

The Previous Rebbe described Chai Elul by saying that it introduces chayot - literally meaning, life energy -- into the service of the month of Elul.

The service of Elul includes Torah study, prayer and deeds of kindness as well as teshuva and redemption.

Every moment, as G-d totally recreates the world anew, it includes all previous and all subsequent moments.

Similarly, it is explained that in one moment of true Teshuva -- return and repentance - a person can compensate for inadequacies in his behavior, during his life.

And that is possible - because each moment contains within it the totality of time and can thus alter the nature of the events which occurred previously.

This concept, although true at all times, receives greater emphasis during the month of Elul.

And Chai Elul contributes the dimension of chayot - life energy - to all of this.

On this basis, we can understand the uniqueness of Chai Elul. As explained, Elul is a month of general significance which includes all the service of the Jewish people. Chai Elul emphasizes the chayot -- "life energy" -- of that service.

And the stock-taking which takes place from Chai Elul onwards is of a more essential nature than that which took place from the beginning of Elul.

Wishing you all a productive day, and rest of Elul, with much "life"!

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