Monday, December 7, 2009

Yud-Tes Kislev. Podo b'sholom nafshi....He has redeemed my soul in peace.

In the Letter that the Alter Rebbe wrote upon his release from prison, it states: “As I was reading in the Book of Tehillim (Psalms) the verse “He has redeemed my soul in peace,” before I began the next verse I went out (of prison) in peace. I will conclude with peace from the L-rd of peace.”

This letter clearly indicates the great stress laid on peace in association with his liberation.

The purpose of a soul’s descent into this world is to “make peace in the world”. A Jew’s environment, through his G-dly service, should be permeated with the concept of “I am the L-rd your G-d.” Before the creation of the world, G-d was still G-d. But the idea that creations should recognize and know of G-d’s wonders existed only ‘in potential.’ To exist in actuality, the world, and a soul’s descent below, was needed.

The liberation was such that “He has redeemed my soul in peace". The idea of peace is associated with the concept of spreading Judaism and Torah.

Therefore, it is now an auspicious time to receive added strength in the service of spreading Torah and Judaism. The beginning of this service is the study of Torah. When a Jew learns Torah for its own sake it effects peace in the hosts Above and the hosts below. This includes the idea of making peace between the spiritual and the physical aspects of the world; and in man, between his G-dly and animal souls. It also embraces the concept of Ahavas Yisrael, love of a fellow Jew - to make peace between a man and his fellow.

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