Thursday, February 25, 2010

Parshat Zachor! Amolek

This Shabbat we read Parshat Zachor.

Parshat Zachor describes how Amalek attacked the Jews who were on their way from Egypt to Israel. Reading Parshat Zachor reminds us of what Amalek did to us, and it also reminds us of the Divine commandment to destroy Amalek.

What is the incident of Amalek compared to? It is compared to a boiling hot tub of water which no creature is able to enter. Along comes an evil-doer and jumps into it. Although he himself gets burnt, he cooled it for the others.
So too, when the Jews came out of Egypt and G-d split the sea before them and drowned the Egyptians within it, all the other nations were scared to start-up and fight with the Jews. Along came Amalek and challenged them, cooling off the awe of the other nations.

We read Parshat Zachor on the Shabbat before the holiday of Purim because Haman was a descendant of Amalek. Purim celebrates the downfall of Haman and the nullification of his evil decree to destroy the Jews. However, the commandment to destroy Amalek applies to every Jew in every generation, because Amalek doesn't just pose a physical threat to the Jewish nation, but a spiritual one as well.

The battle against Amalek is an internal battle. In order to fulfill a mitzvah properly, one must do so with warmth, joy, and enthusiasm. Amalek symbolizes coldness, performing deeds simply out of habit, which can lead to doubt, G-d forbid. Our task is to do the mitzvot wholeheartedly, with joy and gratitude to G-d for giving us the opportunity to serve Him. In this way, every one of us at every time can destroy Amalek.

May we all have a joyous and festive Purim, and may all of our good deeds increase so that we may, as a nation, be elevated to the highest spiritual level, when Amalek will be completely obliterated and we will proceed to the Third Holy Temple. Amen!

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