Monday, February 8, 2010

The power of Tehillim

If you've ever felt that in addition to your daily prayers, you find that reading Psalms helps you feel close to G-d and you'd like to say them every day, here is a small guide to help you.

Psalms is certainly a powerful book.

The Midrash tells us that when King David compiled the Psalms, he had in mind himself, every Jew, and every circumstance. No matter who you are and what the situation, the words of the Psalms speak the words of your heart and are heard on high.

If you only knew - The 3rd Lubavitcher Rebbe, the Tzemach Tzedek said - the power of verses of Tehillim and their effect in the highest Heavens, you would recite them constantly. Know that the chapters of Tehillim shatter allbarriers, they ascend higher and still higher with no interference.

In the standard books of Psalms, the 150 chapters are grouped into seven portions, so that they can be completed every week, and into thirty portions, so that they can be completed every Jewish month. Some people recite Psalms according to the weekly cycle, while others follow the monthly cycle.

If you are considering starting to say Psalms daily, start with the monthly cycle. With the monthly cycle, you'll be committing to an average of five chapters a day.

The Rebbe requested that in all synagogues, Psalms be recited according to monthly cycle after the morning prayers and this custom is applicable to everyone.

He would suggest this as a conduit through which blessings enter into virtually all areas of life, ranging from health and wealth to spiritual wellbeing and harmony.

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