Monday, March 1, 2010

Mordechai teaches Jewish Children. Chinuch.

Our Sages say that the Miracle of Purim, which reversed the Heavenly decree for the Jews from death to life, both physically and spiritually, was brought about by the fact that Mordechai had gathered 22,000 Jewish children, whom he taught the Torah and with whom he prayed for G‑d's mercy. He imbued them with the spirit of self-sacrifice.

Mordechai was one of the heads of the Sanhedrin, and the greatest Jew of his time in scholarship, piety and all possible attributes of greatness. Nevertheless, he set everything aside in order to strengthen the foundations of education, actually going in person to teach the holy Torah with fervor, devoutness and self-sacrifice, to small children.

The profound message for us in this is: No matter what one's position in life is, or how important one's activities seem to be, one must first and foremost dedicate at least some part of his time and efforts to the most important of all causes — saving our young generation. This is accomplished through implanting in them the devotion to all that has been holy to us ever since our ancestors received the Torah at Mount Sinai, devotion to the point of self-sacrifice. Only in this way can we make sure that the young generation will remain with us, and, as a matter of course, ensure the existence of our people. Moreover, herein lies our strength against all Hamans, and our security under G‑d's protection.

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