Monday, March 22, 2010

Pesach - Season of Freedom/ Festival of Matzot

The festival of Passover is commonly referred to as the "Season of our Freedom" and also the "Festival of Matzot." These names relate to aspects of Passover that are for all times and in all places.

"Season of our Freedom" . A person may be enslaved to his own passions. True freedom from this kind of enslavement can be achieved only through Torah and Mitzvot.

"The "Festival of Matzot" consists of the obligation to eat Matzah and the prohibition of eating chametz, leavened products.

The obligation to eat Matzah is limited to a specific amount at a specified time - a quantity the size of an olive must be eaten on the first night of Passover. However, the prohibition against chametz knows different limits; the tiniest particle of chametz is forbidden throughout the holiday.

Leavened dough rises continually. Matzah is the very opposite of that - the dough is not permitted to rise at all.

Our Rabbis explain that chametz is symbolic of haughtiness and conceit - traits so harmful that they are at the root of all negative traits. This is one of the reasons why even the minutest amount of chametz is forbidden - haughtiness and conceit must be completely nullified.

Ridding ourselves of the traits represented by chametz and performing the mitzvah of eating Matzah enables us to overcome our faults. We are then able to free ourselves from spiritual exile, and enjoy this freedom throughout the year.

T'is the Season of Freedom and Festival of Matzot.

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