Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Purim - A special time to ask G-d for our needs.

When G-d tells us to do something, He accepts upon Himself the same obligations. Hence, since Jews are commanded to wear tefilin, G-d, too, "dons" tefillin. Understandably though, His tefillin are slightly different. Whereas our tefillin speak of our love for G-d and our responsibility to obey His commands, G-d's tefillin speak of His love for the Jewish people.

This reciprocal relationship is expressed in the upcoming holiday of Purim. On Purim, we have the mitzva of giving charity to every single who extends his/her hand for help.

Our Sages explain, that on Purim, we, too, have the right to "put out our hand" to G-d and ask Him for our needs. As we are commanded by G-d to fulfill the needs of others when they extend their hands on Purim, G-d will also fulfill our needs when we do the same.

How do we put out our hand to G-d? Through prayer.

The Baal Shem Tov taught that on Purim one should rise early to pray and ask G-d for everything that he needs. And not only for oneself, but for others as well, for Purim-like Yom Kippur-is an especially auspicious time for our prayers.

Thus, amidst the rejoicing, merrymaking, charity-giving, gifts of food sending, Megila-hearing etc, it is a truly opportune time to spend some minutes in heartfelt prayer to G-d, putting out our hands for all of our own personal needs, and for the needs of our family and friends. And, at the same time, for the global need - the revelation of Moshiach and the final Redemption.

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