Sunday, February 26, 2012

Serve G-d with Joy !:)

"Serve G-d with joy!" sings King David the Psalmist.

Joy is central to connecting to G-d. Being happy when you do a mitzvah demonstrates that you like this connection, this tremendous privilege of serving the Infinite Author of All Things. And in fact, the Arizal, a master Kabbalist, once asserted that the gates of wisdom and divine inspiration were opened for him only as a reward for doing mitzvot with boundless joy.

Not just mitzvot, but everything we do—eating, sleeping, business, and even leisure activities—can be part of the way we connect to G-d. All it takes is the right intentions.
"Serve G-d with joy!" applies to all times and situations.

When we're happy, the toughest tasks are a breeze, the strongest adversaries are easily vanquished. On the other hand, if we're down, even simple challenges seem overwhelming.
*Envision being given the opportunity to host your nation's head of state in your humble home. Picture how overjoyed and excited you'd be at the honor. When we do a mitzvah, we cause G-d to dwell with us here in our world—and we get to host Him! Shouldn't this be a cause for joy?
If we Consider how small and insignificant we are by comparison to G-d, and then contemplate on how much He loves and cherishes us -that definitely is a cause for joy.

* We should recognize that all that transpires is part of G-d's plan, and that G-d is in control. And we should understand that no evil could emanate from G-d—for He is entirely good.
* We should feel overjoyed and secure in the knowledge that everything is exactly as it is supposed to be, and Someone is looking out for us.

Let a sense of purpose lend bounce to your step as you go about your daily activities.

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